Friday, August 31, 2007

Greeting Card: Kwanza

Client: Sunrise Greetings
Project: Greeting Card
One of Sunrise's top sellers. Illustrated and designed card
for Kwanza celebration

Art Direct © 2000

FLAX Cover Contest

Client: FLAX Art and Design
Project: Catelog Cover
1 of 10 concepts selected by FLAX. The Flax "F"
had to be incorporated into design concept.
Art Direct © 2002

Baby Book: ¡Say Cheese!

Client: red aardvark design
Project: baby book (6in x 6in)
6 page accordion book designed for new baby.
Design, Production and Sales © 2003

Baby Book: Pooch Tails

Client: red aardvark design
Project: baby book (6in x 6in)
6 page accordion book designed for new baby.
Design, Production and Sales © 2003

Baby Book: Quack Ups!

Client: red aardvark design
Project: baby book (6in x 6in)
6 page accordion book designed for new baby.
Design, Production and Sales © 2003

Baby Book: Ba Ba Sheep

Client: red aardvark design
Project: baby book (6in x 6in)
6 page accordion book designed for new baby.
Design, Production and Sales © 2003

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Book Jacket Design: Spanish

Client: McGraw-Hill Companies
Project: Book Jacket Desgn
1 of 100 concepts for book cover design
Design and research © 2007

Book Jacket Design: History

Client: McGraw-Hill Companies
Project: Book Jacket Desgn
1 of 100 concepts for book cover design
Design and research © 2007

Book Jacket Design: Science

Client: McGraw-Hill Companies
Project: Book Jacket Desgn
1 of 100 concepts for book cover design
Design and research © 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Collateral! OSU Library Brochure (open)

This presentation of the brochure shows the front (R) and back(L) cover.

Brochure design for a fundraising campaign, A Landmark Renovation, The William Oxley Thompson Library at The Ohio State University. The color rendering is a flap, much like a book clasp, that secures the folder once closed.

Art Directed, Designed, and produced printed material.
© 2005 The Ohio State University

Collateral! OSU Library Renovation

Central spread of the brochure for a fundraising campaign, A Landmark Renovation, The William Oxley Thompson Library at The Ohio State University. The bottom band of images and copy, run through the entire brochure.
Art Directed, Designed, and produced printed material.
© 2005 The Ohio State University

Collateral! ETM Brochure Spread

Client: SecureLogix Corporation
Project: Marketing Sales brochure
Brochure designed to promote new telecom-security product
Art Direct, Design and production © 2003

Collateral! ETM Sales Brochure

Client: SecureLogix Corporation
Project: Marketing Sales brochure
Brochure designed to promote new telecom-security product
Art Direct, Design and production © 2003

Invitation! red aardvark design

Client: red aardvark design
Christmas postcard for clients
Postcard design. Custom pattern creation
with Illustrator CS2

Art Direct, Design and production © 2006

Invitation! Sao Paulo and OSU

Client: The Ohio State University
Program Booklet
Cover and interior page design for Celebration
of Partnership
a 40 year anniversary. Custom pattern.
Illustrator,Photoshop and InDesign CS2
Art Direct, Design and production © 2004

Invitations! OSU Greenhouse Gala

Client: The Ohio State University
Project: Event Invitation

Invitation design for The Greenhouse Gala. Custom pattern
and illustrations. Illustrator,Photoshop and InDesign CS2
Art Direct, Design and production © 2004

Logo! Eagle Pointe Properties

Client: Eagle Pointe Properties
Project: Identity Exploration

Identity concepts for a high end land management
and development company. Illustrator CS2

Art Direct, Design and production © 2007

Logo! Concepts for Creation Technology

Client: Concepts for Creation Technology
Project: Identity Package

Identity, business card and stationary deseign for a high
company. Illustrator CS2

Art Direct, Design and production © 2002

Logo! Quick Review for book interior

Client: McGraw-Hill Companies
Project: Spot Art

Spot art icon for an elementry math textbook.
Photoshop and
Illustrator CS2

Art Direct, Design and production © 2007

Logo! Glassy Design Lampwork Bead Jewelry

Client: Glassy Designs
Project: Identity Package

Identity, business card, and stationary for an artist
studio that produces lamp work bead jewelry. Pattern inspired
from one of the artist's necklace. Illustrator 8

Art Direct, Design and production © 2002

Xering ©SPRI 2004

Client: Marketing Active Group/SPRI
Project: Packaging

Packaging graphics and layout on provided dieline.
Design and production © 2004

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Print Ad! OSU Alumni Magazine

Client: The Ohio State University
Project: Print Ad

Ad design and layout for Ohio State's Alumni Magazine.
Art Direct, Design and production © 2005

Print As! Wonka

Client: Ryan Partnership/Wonka
Project: Ad

Circular Ad design and layout promoting
the NEW Wonka Egg Hunt collection.

Design and production © 2004

Print Ad! Nestle Carnation

Client: Ryan Partnership/Nestlé
Project: Ad

Circular Ad design and layout promoting
Nestlé Carnation milk.

Design and production © 2004